Restaurants are in the process of reopening their operations fully so NYCHG brought together a panel to discuss the essential world of sanitation in the wake of Covid-19.
Hosted by: Kate Edwards
This event featured 4 of our members – Joel Grassi (BHP Pest Elimination), Harmony Trujillo (York Building Services), Ashley Bradford (Singer/M. Tucker) and Kate Edwards (Kate Edwards & Company, moderator) – to discuss and demystify the most important sanitation and pest control practices. To share the operator POV we invited Joe Johnson, DO of Emily Loves Pizza, to share his experience reopening with a new model.
Our panel began by addressing the pre-opening period and moved through the topics of pest control, cleanliness vs. sanitation & disinfection, proper PPE, the use -and dangers- of UV lights, the importance of customer perception and various certifications your team can get in order to ensure your property and people are safe and healthy; both pre- and post-opening. Our experts busted some myths about various new methods of disinfection (electrostatic sprayers, glove use and dwell times) and provided important truths about maintaining health and safety on your premise. Our guest, Joe Johnson, shared his recent experience of reopening with a completely new model and what that entailed (closing the dining room to make it a take-away staging area) as well as the importance of marrying culture with cleaning procedures. All in all a practical event that was enthusiastically received by participants.
For more information and community support:
Please visit the NYCHG Community Hotline, a Facebook Group where hospitality operators can ask questions and members will provide professional guidance.
Established in 2009, The New York City Hospitality Group ("NYCHG") is a New York City-centric organization dedicated to serving the restaurant and hospitality industry. NYCHG is comprised of the best in class professionals that act as a resource to each other and the hospitality community.
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